Saturday, July 25, 2009

Stupid appendix

About two weeks ago, when I was at All Good...I had horrific stomach pains for about 24 hours. I had told myself if they lasted through the night I'd go to the ER but thankfully they faded enough to enjoy the festival and the weekend. So when I got home, I noticed a dull pain continued in the same area, right side of my belly.

Everyone I told this to immediately said "appendix?" which scared me into finally seeing the doctor. Now, this week, at the same time, I've also been lucky enough to get a lovely cold/cough/runny nose. Good times.

Quick backstory- I lost my calendar when my iPhone died a month ago.

So I call my dr on Monday to make an appt. "well we already have one scheduled for you, as a follow up from january for tomorrow night"

Wow! How about THAT for lucky!?!

Sike...the doctor decides I need a cat scan, and the disasterous mess that unfolds between my insurance & doctors office just trying to schedule the scan over the next 3 days is so ridiculous I still can't believe it. A total of over 40 phone calls by me, in 2 days, countless tears, and zero cat scans. Basically my insurance had me as the wrong primary care dr, so the doctor i've been seeing for 9 months wasn't authorized to send me for it, blah blah blah. Add in a horrible health system giving me the run around & bad nurses (oh yes, the University of Pennsylvania....Penn hospital, maybe you've heard of them? Just a small place.........that owns all of Philly!!)

All I could think was that if this WAS my appendix, I was a ticking time bomb, literally waiting to burst, and I was trapped in a paperwork

Finally Friday I got an emergency ultrasound. Which determined there's enough wrong that I need a cat scan (wait, wasn't that the original plan? Hmmmm) so now I'm off to the ER since they will actually help me.

Basically....running hasn't gone great all week, I've done a few 3 milers, but I've been tired & sick. I'm going to run 5 right now before we head to the ER. Hopefully it's not my appendix & I can kick up training. But I'm worried what'll happen if I need surgery :(

stay tuned...