Friday, July 17, 2009

storm chaser

so last night, i was determined to get in a 6 mile run, before going out to celebrate my lovely roommate Liddy's bday. I saw on the weather that we were supposed to get some storms, but totally ignored it anyways. So i set out on kelly drive, using my new iphone & a new app called Distance which tells you distance, time, and pace (although i SERIOUSLY doubt the accuracy of this). It started off well, even though the silly app said i was running a 15min mile, haha, which, is almost impossible (i knew i was somewhere around 11).

At around 2 miles out, the sky ahead of me was turning pitch black and yet weirdly light, like from the movie Twister, and I kept having these internal struggles. "Do I turn around at 2 miles and get in a solid 4 mile run before the storm hits? Do I keep going? Can I camp out somewhere if the rain hits, so as not to ruin my brand new iphone??"

I decided there was no way i was NOT running 6 miles! so i trudged on, heading right into the darkness.

I finally hit the 3 mile turn-around point, and was almost exactly where the sunny sky and the dark clouds met. Once I turned around, I knew the storm was right on my tail, and I was going to have to book it if I wanted to stay out of the rain. Now, don't get me wrong, i actually LOVE running in the rain, I was just panicking about my new iphone getting wet, hehe. So at this point, I started sprinting (ok, well, sprinting for me, is like, a slow pace for normal people, haha), and I kept looking over my shoulder and watching the storm creep closer and closer.

I was actually outrunning it! I couldnt believe it!

And then I felt some droplets of rain.... so I ran faster and faster, even though I had 1.5 more miles, I was running like I was almost at the finish line of a race. It felt great!

and then the skies opened up on me......

Moral of the story: Its probably physically impossible to outrun a storm that is moving 20mph, but, trying to outrun it is a really good way to boost your training!

ps- I put my iphone in my pants, so don't worry, it didnt get ruined. thankfully!

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