well, it finally happened. i joked with my friend danielle lots of times that no one ever falls or gets hurt while running, that its a crazy thought. and saturday, i bit the sidewalk, big time. i was jogging to meet up with everyone from BOMF, and kat & diane, for our saturday 10 mile run.....and coming up to the corner we meet at, i noticed that the group was really large for a saturday, and was trying to see who was there, wasnt paying attention. boom. went FLYING. i tripped, and flew, and slammed into the sidewalk, on my hands and knees, thankfully not my head. i threw my iphone (thankfully it survived), and i didnt even know if i could stand back up right away, it hurt so badly. i looked up and Austin, and one of the bomf guys were running towards me (i was still a block away, so I wasnt sure the group had spotted me yet), and they were helping me up before i knew it. i pulled up my pant legs, and both knees were pretty banged up, along with the palms of both hands.....and the side of one hand (explain how i hit the palm AND the back of my hand in the same fall, haha). so i hobbled to the rest of the group, poured some water on the wounds to clean off some of the gravel.....cried for a few minutes. (yes, i cried, it hurt like hell!!), and started off on a ten mile run!!
it wasnt a horrible run, the weather was nice, good company as always, and lots of friendly faces along the path, but my left knee was really in alot of pain, and i was ready to be done. and VERY glad it was a smaller distance. so i got home, quickly showered, cleaned up all my cuts, and ran out the door for a camping/hiking trip to delaware water gap! it was an AMAZING time, we hiked up to sunfish pond saturday night, probably a 3 mile hike uphill or so. sunday, we hiked Mt. Tammeny, probably about 4 miles of hiking, and 1500 feet of elevation climbed. all the while though, my knee was still really hurting.
well, i'm paying for it today. my left knee is still really really swollen, purple, full of cuts/scrapes, and hurts when i bend it. basically, i'm re-opening the wounds everytime i bend my knee, haha. and hiking and not icing it all weekend has really set me back. i couldnt run this morning, i biked to work and winced in pain everytime i pedalled. basically, i think im going to have to take it slow for a few days. luckily, i dont REALLY bend my knees that much when i run because of my stride, so i might be able to do some easy runs until these wounds heal up. i'm a little worried about the swelling though, hopefully more icing will help.
sigh.....only 6 weeks till the marathon, a 20 mile run next weekend, and this is NOT what i needed to happen!!
so here's a happy photo from my hiking adventures this weekend to cheer things up a bit :)
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