we're running 20 miles at 6am tomorrow................in freezing rain and snow. holy crap i am nervous. i went to Cherry St and had 3 beers during the phillies game earlier. probably not an awesome life choice, but hopefully i don't pay for it tomorrow. i followed it up with 2 delicious slices of Lazaros pizza (gotta carb up right?) and now i'm just lounging around being lazy and freaking myself out about tomorrow. i'm about to chop up some oranges, get my water bottles/gatorade set up, and then all my tons of layers and layers since its going to be freezing.
the only good thing is that since we're meeting at 6am...........it should take us around 4 hours, so by the time i shower, i should be able to crawl into bed by 11am and sleep all day, hehe.
i hope my knee holds up, and my toenail, and everything else thats falling apart with me.
wish us luck!!
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