Thursday, October 15, 2009

what a waste of a week

Avatar: Animated: Kenny: Two Legged Horse

so its been 4 days since I could really exercise, because of how much pain my left knee is still in from my fall last saturday. This SUCKS! I'm supposed to be running 20 miles on Saturday, and should've run a total of around 40 miles this week.........I've run ZERO so far. I cant believe how mangled and bruised and swollen it still is. from stupid tripping. can you tell I'm frustrated??

6 WEEKS till the marathon! thats scary how fast that is going to go.

i'm going to try and run an easy 3 tomorrow with Back on My Feet before the 20 miler on saturday.

blargh........frustrated! want this marathon to be OVER!

in other news, since i havent exercised in 4 days.........i lost 2lbs. i swear to god i have an inverse metabolism.....
wish us luck saturday, running 20 with Kat, Diane, and maybe some of the BOMF crew.......but its supposed to be POURING rain all day. and cold. yipeee!

1 comment:

  1. We will get you through it...make sure you ice them knees (and stay off them-hehe)
    Love the horsey! haha I cant believe it is in 6 weeks!
