This weekend was a flurry of excitement. Saturday, 18 of us went white water rafting in the poconos.......it was a BLAST! and exhausting. and i knew I had the Philly Distance Run (half marathon) on sunday, so I was a little nervous!
So I had to be at the RWA shelter at 6am on Sunday, we had 5 guys from Back on my Feet running the PDR. We all walked together through Love Park, and up to the start near the Art Museum. I finally started realizing, "oh shit, am I ready to run a half marathon today? maybe I shouldve taken this more seriously this week?"
We get to the start, and Fred (one of the homeless guys) and I were planning to run together. It was an absolutely beautiful morning, minus the fact the race has you running directly into the sun for the first 2 miles, haha. So Fred had me running at like, a 9 minute mile pace........I was barely keeping up, and knew there was absolutely no way I was running 13 miles at that pace. Finally around the 2nd mile I had to slow down, and he just took off (thanks alot Fred, haha....just kidding). But after the next mile, I realized I was running just under 10 minute miles on my own. What? I almost always run 11+ minute miles, especially when I'm not keeping up with anyone else!
So I decided I was doing this for as many miles as I could keep it up. At mile 8 or 9, I decided, thats it, I'm running this pace the whoooole race if I can! I was so excited about completely shattering my time from last year's half marathon! I remembered being somewhere around 2:30 and figured maybe I could pull a 2:15 if I kicked my butt into gear.
I felt great, even at mile 11! So great, in fact, that I took advantage of a "Beer Stop" along the side of Kelly Drive. It was the most delicious beer I had ever tasted (probably a natty light or something gross, haha). I was so pumped about how well it was going that I just wanted to celebrate (a little early). I didn't start feeling sluggish and tired until after mile 12, but thankfully the sidelines were packed with people cheering me along.
I finished in 2:10!!! And when i got home, I looked up my time from last year- 2:40! I shaved 30 MINUTES off my time! It was really amazing to see how far I've come in just a year, and really motivated me to get through this marathon.
Plus, once I made my way through the crowds upon crowds of people, and back to the BOMF tent.....I almost cried at how proud I was of our guys. They not only finished their first race, but a half-marathon nonetheless! I dont think any of them really grasp what a major accomplishment that is yet, but I hope they realize that lots of runners never even get that far, let alone people who have only been running for 2-3 months. Absolutely amazing!
So here's some pictures of all of us, pre and post-race.
Up this week- (2) 5 milers, an 8 miler, and a 14 miler this weekend (mixed in with at LEAST a 30 mile bike ride somewhere). Less than 2 weeks until the MS 150, City to Shore bike ride. Starting to get nervous about that, since I've focused sooo much on running the past few months. YIKES!
I am so proud of you! 30 mins is amazing! I love that Rockstar started you off that way! How did he do? You never cease to amaze me. less than 2 weeks until the bike ride. whew. you go!!