here's a quick backstory:
I run 3 days a week with a wonderful group called Back
On My Feet. (http://www.backonmyfeet.org/) Basically, we run with homeless men, to help them, well, for lack of better words- get back on their feet! (its a very fitting name). Each team is based out of a shelter in Philly, and my team is an amazing group of people.....about 15 homeless men, and about 15 or so volunteers at any given time. We meet at 5:30am on Mon, Wed, Fri mornings, and usually do anywhere between 1-3 miles, with longer runs on saturdays. Its been an incredible experience to be a part of it, and it really has inspired me to get more involved with running, and was a big motivator for wanting to do the full marathon.

so.....this morning, i set out as usual, jogging down to broad street where we meet...... and I come up upon this woman walking a giant giant dog. I'm thinking to myself "do i go a
round her side, or the dog's side?" as there wasnt much room. Suddenly, the dog turns to the side, and i see its wearing a crazy looking muzzle. Usually not a sign of the Worlds Friendliest Dog.

The horrible woman turns around and starts SCREAMING at me! She's like, "What is wrong with you??? why would you run up behind someone with a German Shepard? What the hell is your problem?? You've got the whole city to run in, why would you choose this sidewalk??" and is all yelling and crazy and mean and horrible. So i just sideswipe her and say a quiet "sorry....sheesh" and keep running.
i'm such a wuss.........there was about 100 things i couldve yelled at her- including the fact that maybe she shouldnt live in the city with a dog that isnt safe to be around people!! Or the fact that i run down Bainbridge because I'm about to meet 30 people for a run on the corner of that very street! (even if it was a few blocks away).
ugh. she was the worst. and her dog didnt even try to attack me or anything, but she was SOO mean about it! I hope i see her again some morning, because this time i'll yell back!
but then I had a great run with BOMF, did 4 miles total this morning.............and just topped it off with a glorious bacon egg and cheese bagel from Pete's.
I'm off to a music festival and camping for a few days, so I cant wait to see how badly I manage to de-rail my training so far, haha.
hopefully dave can run enough this weekend for the both of us!
Here's a lovely picture of part of my Back On My Feet Family......and also, german shepards and a bagel sandwich. enjoy!
hahah excellent picture of the dog. that looks like it should be on a sweater worn by Bret on Flight of the Conchords.
ReplyDeletei couldnt agree more! or maybe on a white, crew neck sweatshirt that some old lady is wearing, overtop of a tshirt that says "i dont do mondays". thats why i was drawn to it.
ReplyDeleteSo...i am loving this blog you are starting! its a great way to get through the next few months, and to log all of your info! look forward to reading more! Also, I scheduled my drinking AROUND my running schedule for last years full marathon...which I will do for the Philly marathon as well...if your long run is on sunday, drink heavily on Friday, and if your long run is saturday, celebrate your accomplishments directly after with some alcoholic beverage. its how i fell in love with Sam Adams Cherry wheat :) xoxo