first, i wonder how long before i run out of "witty" (using that term loosely) titles for posts about running. probably soon. i'll apologize in advance for their lame-ness.
anyways....i had a good 5 mile run this morning.........that I think was actually 6, because i cant do math? my iphone running app reset itself, and i think i did the math wrong, and ran 5.8 accidentally. oh well! i iced my knees at work. i mustve felt really cool with a plastic bag of ice rubberbanded over my work pants, haha. god i'm nerdy.
i sent out a mass email to friends today (if i had their email addresses, so don't feel left out!), for playlist requests, i'm excited to get some new tunes to run with. you know the playlist is old when Mariah Carey's All i want for CHRISTMAS is on there. sheesh.
here are some things i've been pondering to distract myself from the fact that 26.2 miles is terrifying me right now:
1) the post-marathon commemorative tiny tattoo i want to get somewhere.
2) the frame and how i'm going to display my medal, bib number, photo, etc. will be a fun little graphics project to make my own layout for the backdrop in the frame.
3) what outfit or fun things i want to wear. some options include, shiny silver spandex pants, a ballerina tutu, and most likely a Back On My Feet shirt that all my team members have signed, as inspiration :)
thats all for now.....up next, 5 miler tomorrow.......12 MILES on saturday! meep! thats practically a half marathon! am i ready for this? stay tuned!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
What not to do when running a marathon...
movin along...
ok, week three update.....well, its sort of like week two. last week i didnt get in the mileage i shouldve, and was at the shore for the weekend, so i didnt get my long run in either. boo.
BUT, on saturday, it was Back On My Feet's annual Beach Day, at wildwood, so i met everyone there bright and early, and we ran 3.5 miles on the boardwalk, which was an awesome experience. i'm so grateful i was able to get over there, run, splash in the ocean with the guys (many of whom had never really been in the ocean before!!) then head back to ocean city. i need to kick it in to gear and really stick to my schedule this week.
last night i ran a very very hot 3 miles after work. yuck, running in the evening in this heat SUCKS.
so, i told myself i HAD to wake up and run my 6 miler this morning. i've tried, and failed, many many times to wake up and run by myself on non-Back On My Feet mornings.
and i did!! i ran 6 miles this morning, it was a bit slower paced than i had hoped, but it was still hot, even at 6am. and it said to make it a "hilly" 6 miles, so i ran up some of the crazy steep ramps at the art museum, and the market street ramp off the path, hehe. i'm paying for it now, i'm a little stiff and sore sitting at my desk, but i'll stretch out later again.
now to run another 5 tomorrow, 5 friday, and 12 on saturday....meep!
BUT, on saturday, it was Back On My Feet's annual Beach Day, at wildwood, so i met everyone there bright and early, and we ran 3.5 miles on the boardwalk, which was an awesome experience. i'm so grateful i was able to get over there, run, splash in the ocean with the guys (many of whom had never really been in the ocean before!!) then head back to ocean city. i need to kick it in to gear and really stick to my schedule this week.
last night i ran a very very hot 3 miles after work. yuck, running in the evening in this heat SUCKS.
so, i told myself i HAD to wake up and run my 6 miler this morning. i've tried, and failed, many many times to wake up and run by myself on non-Back On My Feet mornings.
and i did!! i ran 6 miles this morning, it was a bit slower paced than i had hoped, but it was still hot, even at 6am. and it said to make it a "hilly" 6 miles, so i ran up some of the crazy steep ramps at the art museum, and the market street ramp off the path, hehe. i'm paying for it now, i'm a little stiff and sore sitting at my desk, but i'll stretch out later again.
now to run another 5 tomorrow, 5 friday, and 12 on saturday....meep!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
hot, muggy, with a chance of frustration

so, week two is off to a much rockier start than week 1. mostly because its about 1000 degrees out, with 100% humidity, and its making it VERY hard to be inspired to go out and run 6 miles. yesterday I was supposed to run 4 miles, but it was too darn hot, so I went to the gym, thinking, "oh, i'll just do it on a treadmill instead" but i forgot one important thing....
I HATE treadmills!
i managed to run 2.5 miles before wanting to kill myself, at a pace of.....13:00 miles!! haha. thats the real reason i hate treadmills, if i go any faster than 12:30, i feel like i'm going to fly off and crash into some unsuspecting treadmill behind me. worst.
i'm a little frustrated because i need to either a) learn to love treadmills, because i have at least another month of awful hotness and mugginess. b) deal with the heat and humidity and get out there and run. c) learn to wake up crazy early every day and get my runs in. luckily my 5:30am runs with Back On My Feet will be a good chance to get some of the early morning miles in, i just have to make sure and go 3 times a week now!
Another thing frustrating me to no end, is the fact that I'm not losing weight like I want to be. I'm tracking every single calorie that I eat, and even the exercise calories that i'm "earning" so that I don't eat too little. what am i doing wrong?? no matter what, i stay the same weight. which, i guess is good, but its frustrating. i almost want to go to a nutritionist and figure out what i am doing wrong! i'm packing all my lunches, cooking healthy things, i just dont get it. its infuriating.
and to top things off, my friend sent me this article today-,8599,1914857,00.html
so apparently exercising can actually make it HARDER to lose weight? Great. Just Great.
so, for now, i'm going to keep eating snickers (dont worry, i'm tracking the calories!) and i'm going to attempt to run 6 miles outside tonite, if all else fails i can do 2 on the treadmill of torture.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
week one : so far so good
quick recap of my training so far this week:
Monday: ran 2 miles, and 2 miles (4 total), at a "fast" pace (fast for me)
Tuesday: had a really strong 6 mile run after work, there was a nice breeze, but it was still humid and hot as heck. iced up the knee later on!
Wednesday: bought new running shoes!! was scheduled to run 4 miles, but instead....I ran 2.7 to my company softball game, drank some beers, ate a hot dog, and ran 2.7 back home :) yes, that second leg was much slower, but it was fun, and i'm glad i got my miles in (plus a little extra!)
Thursday: Thank GOD its a rest day! i am exhausted....and a little stiff. going to stretch out alot today, probably ice up the knee (even though the new shoes felt great), and get ready for a 4 miler early tomorrow morning with BOMF!
i actually think i can do this! (now ask me again in 4 weeks...)
Monday: ran 2 miles, and 2 miles (4 total), at a "fast" pace (fast for me)
Tuesday: had a really strong 6 mile run after work, there was a nice breeze, but it was still humid and hot as heck. iced up the knee later on!
Wednesday: bought new running shoes!! was scheduled to run 4 miles, but instead....I ran 2.7 to my company softball game, drank some beers, ate a hot dog, and ran 2.7 back home :) yes, that second leg was much slower, but it was fun, and i'm glad i got my miles in (plus a little extra!)
Thursday: Thank GOD its a rest day! i am exhausted....and a little stiff. going to stretch out alot today, probably ice up the knee (even though the new shoes felt great), and get ready for a 4 miler early tomorrow morning with BOMF!
i actually think i can do this! (now ask me again in 4 weeks...)
Monday, August 3, 2009
off and running... today marks the OFFICIALLY OFFICIAL start of my training program! woo-hoo!
but first, i just read dave's previous post....and am really sad to not have someone to train with, i was especially looking forward to having him there for the longer 15+ mile runs :( its going to be a long lonely road of loneliness.
BUT.....whether he likes it or not, his new job is to be along the sidelines, somewhere near manayunk, between the 20-26 mile mark....with a delicious beer for me to snag a sip of, haha. thats all i really want in life. someone to hand me beer. just kidding.....sort of....
i'm excited to have a cheerleader, but i'm really saddened he cant be running along side of me. i'm hoping he gets to the doctor, gets healed up, and can sign up for the half marathon, so at least he'll be there for the first 13! my mom had planned to run the half with me, but she just found out she has a stress fracture, and isnt allowed to run. everyone's dropping like flies!
so, godspeed to my mom and dave. hurry and get better so i can have my running buddies back!
also, it still looks like i'll need surgery to have this lump removed sometime soon....i'm hoping the recovery period doesnt set me back on my training, aka i hope its sooner rather than later. i'll keep you posted on that one too...
but on to happy news- I ran 4 miles this morning (ok, i had to do two 2-mile runs because of a dr's appointment) at a 10:15 pace! a FAR cry better than my typical 12-minute mile runs! it felt great! anyone who's run with me before can atest to the fact thats really fast for me, haha. my knee is a little achey, but i'm hoping new sneakers on wednesday can cure that right up, i've been stretching and icing anyways.
i'm going to do 6 miles tomorrow, and excited to dive into training full force.
also.....ive started daydreaming about the tattoo i want to get once i finish a marathon......i'll post a few options once i have a chance to sketch them out :)
happy running!
but first, i just read dave's previous post....and am really sad to not have someone to train with, i was especially looking forward to having him there for the longer 15+ mile runs :( its going to be a long lonely road of loneliness.
BUT.....whether he likes it or not, his new job is to be along the sidelines, somewhere near manayunk, between the 20-26 mile mark....with a delicious beer for me to snag a sip of, haha. thats all i really want in life. someone to hand me beer. just kidding.....sort of....
i'm excited to have a cheerleader, but i'm really saddened he cant be running along side of me. i'm hoping he gets to the doctor, gets healed up, and can sign up for the half marathon, so at least he'll be there for the first 13! my mom had planned to run the half with me, but she just found out she has a stress fracture, and isnt allowed to run. everyone's dropping like flies!
so, godspeed to my mom and dave. hurry and get better so i can have my running buddies back!
also, it still looks like i'll need surgery to have this lump removed sometime soon....i'm hoping the recovery period doesnt set me back on my training, aka i hope its sooner rather than later. i'll keep you posted on that one too...
but on to happy news- I ran 4 miles this morning (ok, i had to do two 2-mile runs because of a dr's appointment) at a 10:15 pace! a FAR cry better than my typical 12-minute mile runs! it felt great! anyone who's run with me before can atest to the fact thats really fast for me, haha. my knee is a little achey, but i'm hoping new sneakers on wednesday can cure that right up, i've been stretching and icing anyways.
i'm going to do 6 miles tomorrow, and excited to dive into training full force.
also.....ive started daydreaming about the tattoo i want to get once i finish a marathon......i'll post a few options once i have a chance to sketch them out :)
happy running!
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